Sometime we may required or need to control the placing the modules, particular PIN muxing, some timing directives in the FPGA design. We can do it by passing ‘Constraint File’ to the tool along with rtl files. In constraint file we can write following constraint -
• Grouping Constraints
• Logical Constraints
• Physical Constraints
• Mapping Directives
• Placement Constraints
• Routing Directives
• Synthesis Constraints
• Timing Constraints
• Configuration Constraints
Most of tool vendors have their own set of way of writing these constraints. Example Xilinx ISE has with file extension “.ucf” (User Constraint File), Synopsis has different and so on. Here we briefly discuss some important and frequently used design constraints used in Xilinx ISE.
First discuss the elements which frequently used in constraint file i.e. INST, NET and PIN.
- An INST (instance) - it refers to a primitive instance (like a flip-flop or BRAM or SRL or LUT) or to a hierarchical instance (the instantiation of a module/entity).
- A PIN (pin on an instance) - either a primitive instance or a hierarchical instance. So the D and Q on a flip-flop are pins. Also when you instantiate a module/entity that has a port (named A), when the module/entity is instantiated, the instance has a PIN named A.
- A NET is something that connects pins together.
Let’s discuss most important constraint in FPGA Prototyping which is “Timing Constraint”.
Timing specification can be applied to entire device or PIN or NET or INST or to specific group in design. Here some examples
# Define Period
NET “sys_clk” TNM_NET = “sys_clk” ;
TIMESPEC “TS_sys_clk” = PERIOD “sys_clk” 10 ns HIGH 50% ;
# Related Clock
NET “sys_clk_2” TNM_NET = “sys_clk_2” ;
TIMESPEC “TS_sys_clk_2” = PERIOD “sys_clk_2” “TS_sys_clk” * 2 ;
# Related Phased Clock
NET “sys_clk_90” TNM_NET = “sys_clk_90” ;
TIMESPEC “TS_sys_clk_90” = PERIOD “sys_clk_90” “TS_sys_clk” * 1 PHASE + 2.5ns ;
# Generated Clock
NET “sys_clk_gen” TNM_NET = “sys_clk_gen” ;
TIMESPEC “TS_sys_clk_gen” = PERIOD “TS_sys_clk” * 1 ;
#• The first, global OFFSET applies to all inputs or outputs for a specific clock.
#• The second, a group OFFSET form, identifies a group of inputs or outputs clocked by a common clock that have the same timing requirements.
#• The third, a specific OFFSET form, specifies the timing by each input or output.
# Examples
NET sig* OFFSET = IN <value units> BEFORE <clock_pad_net> ;
# ‘value unit’ time allowed for data to propagate from pad to meet a setup requirement to clock.
NET sig* OFFSET = OUT <value units> AFTER <clock_pad_net> ;
# ‘value unit’ time allowed for data to propagate from synchronous element (clock to out) to pad.
# From PAD to PAD
TIMESPEC “TS_p2p” = FROM “pad” TO “pad” 10 ns ;
# When some net or paths are timing independent or mutually exclusive timing then we define those as “FALSE PATH”. It help tool to place those nets or paths which are time critical. Ex.
NET “net_name” TIG ;
INST “inst_name” TIG ;
PIN “instance.pin_name” TIG ;
TIMESPEC “TSid” = FROM “from_grp” TO “to_grp” TIG ;
TIMESPEC “TSid” = FROM “from_grp” THRU “thru_pt” TO “to_grp” TIG ;
TIMESPEC “TS_sys_clk1_to_sys_clk2” = FROM “sys_clk1” TO “sys_clk2” 20 ns ;
There are three basic method for creating groups
- By Connectivity
- NET “net_name” TNM_NET = qualifier “tnm_name” ;
- By Hierarchy
- INST “inst_name” TNM = qualifier “tnm_name” ;
- By Element
An optional qualifier of FFS, PADS, RAMS, BRAMS_PORTA, BRAMS_PORTB, CPUS,
MULTS, HSIOS or LATCHES may be used.
# Group Elements By Element Output Net Name Schematic User (TIMEGRP)
TIMEGRP identifier = element (output_netname) ;
- identifier is the name for the new time group.
- element can be FFS, All Pads, Input Pads, Output Pads, Bi-directional Pads, 3-stated Output Pads, RAMs, LATCHES, or User Groups.
- output_netname is the name of the net attached to the element.
TIMEGRP FF_grp = FFS (“U1/*”) ;
After ISE now Xilinx has launched new powerful tool for newer FPGA Like Virtex-7 or higher has named Xilinx Vivado and now major industry using this for FPGA Prototyping. It uses XDC file instead of UCF, it has lot more capability than UCF. We can easily change syntax for XDC from UCF.
UCF (User Constraint File)
XDC (Xilinx Design Constraint)
set_property LOC
# Define Period
create_clock -name sys_clk -period 10 [get_ports sys_clk]
# Define Period with HIGH 40% and input Jitter 200ps
create_clock -name sys_clk -period 10 - waveform {0.0 4} [get_ports sys_clk]
set_input_jitter 0.2 [get_clocks sys_clk]
# Generated Clock
create_generated_clock -name sys_clk_2 -source sys_clk -divide_by 2 sys_clk_2
create_generated_clock -name sys_clk_2 -source sys_clk edges {1,3,5} sys_clk_2
# Input Delay
set_input_delay -max 7 -clock clock_input [get_ports input_data*]
set_input_delay -min 3 -clock clock_input [get_ports input_data*]
# Output Delay
set_output_delay -max 4 -clock clock_input [get_ports output_data*]
# False Path
set_false_path -from [get_clocks sys_clk] -to [get_clocks jtag_clk]
set_false_path -through [get_pins MUX/S]
# Asynchronous/Exclusive Clock Groups
set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive -group [get_clocks CLK0] -group [get_clocks CLK1]
set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks CLK0] -group [get_clocks CLK1]
# Multicycle Paths - setup and hold
____________ multicycle path = 2T ____________
| REGA | -----------------------------> | REGB |
|Q D|-----<_Combo_logic_>------|Q D|
| | | |
| ---|> | |----|> |
| |__________ | | |__________|
CLK____|________________________________ |
set_multicycle_path -from REGA/CLK -to REGB/D 2
set_multicycle_path -from REGA/CLK -to REGB/D 2 -hold 1
# Physical Constraint
set_property LOC H18 [get_nets RESET]
Complete Soon !!